This prompt: Write a poem with very long lines using almost no words of three syllables or more was very difficult for me. This was the first time, I sat for a day with nothing...
The Muse
Nothing makes time move more like molasses than waiting for the muse to arrive, and knowing she’s been delayed.
It doesn’t matter that the tea is brewing in the pot, that the computer is humming like a bee, or that my hands are perched on the keyboard like a baby bird ready to take flight.
There are days when the words hunker down under the covers hibernating like grizzly bears content to spend months in their cave.
No matter how desperate I become or how earnestly I beg and plead, nothing prods inspiration, who like it or not has a mind of her own.
When she ignored my call this morning, I thought I’d trick her by vacuuming and cleaning the house, hoping she would respond like a small child.
But when by two this afternoon, I hadn’t heard from her, I grabbed a towel and headed down to the river for a swim.
After dinner I gave her one last chance, and miraculously she paid me a visit—nothing exciting mind you or brilliant, just enough to get the job done.
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